
In Laserfiche Process Automation, surveys are a method for collecting data using forms, without having to configure a full-fledged business process. You can view reports on data collected from the surveys, similarly to viewing reports on business processes.

You can access surveys by clicking on Surveys from the Process Automation landing page.

Creating a Survey

To create a new blank survey:

  1. On the Surveys page,click New.
  2. Enter a name for the survey.
  3. Click Create. This will take you to a page where you can add fields to your survey.
  4. Design your survey following the same principles as designing a form for a business process. For example, you can:
  5. Click Publish when the survey is ready.

Managing Surveys

On the Surveys page, navigate to the Manage tab to enable/disable, copy, or delete surveys. You can also change individual surveys' names, descriptions, and URLs.

  • Click on a survey's name to edit it in the form designer.
  • Select a survey and open its Details pane on the right to edit its name, description, URL, and status as enabled or disabled.
    •  A user with the Process Administrator, Process Developer, or Form Developer role can submit a disabled survey, but other users cannot.
    • In the Details pane, you can navigate to the Notifications tab to configure email or web notifications for the survey. If you enable any email notifications, you can click on Configure email notifications to choose which of the following types of email notifications you want:
      • Daily digest sends you a single daily email detailing all occurrences of the specified event in the previous day.
      • Individual emails sends you one email for each occurrence of the event.
  • Select a survey and click the Download icon to export it.
  • Select a survey and click the Copy icon to copy it.
  • Select one or more surveys and click Delete to delete them.
  • Select a survey and click the Preview icon to see what the form looks like.
  • Select a survey and click the Reports icon in the top right to view submission data for that survey.

Survey Reports

On the Surveys page, navigate to the Report tab to view submission data for any survey.