Laserfiche Cloud April 2024 Updates

The Laserfiche Cloud April 2024 update, released on April 4, 2024, includes the following new features.

Watch an overview of the new features here:

Form Designer Updates

Form Signature Field Enhancement

Signature fields within the new form designer gain a valuable feature: the ability to mark them as read-only if they were signed in a previous step in a process. This enhancement empowers form designers to use a single form across multiple steps while still displaying previously signed fields, and without having to render the entire form read-only.

Form Date Field Update

Designers now have access to enhanced date field configuration. Configure date fields to allow users to select dates relevant to when they’re filling out the form. Set minimum and maximum valid date ranges using options like the current date, day after current date (tomorrow), or relative dates. Additionally, you have control over which dates are selectable within the calendar picker, including specific dates, weekdays only, or custom criteria based on JavaScript functions. Explore the documentation for examples and creative ideas.

HTML in Field Settings

Designers can add simple HTML markup in labels, text below/above fields, and tooltips across all form fields. You can add simple break tags to break up labels, or even add button and input elements wherever you want. Leveraging this new HTML markup, along with HTML events, lets you create a highly customized interface within the Form sandbox—no custom HTML fields required.

Expanded Workflow Email Attachment Limits

You can now attach more than four attachments in the Email Activity in Workflow. You can attach up to 20 files, with a maximum total size of 25 MB for all attachments .

New Solution Templates

A new Event Registration and Administration solution template includes a multi-functional process with administrative and user driven forms to allow for streamlined event management and reservations.

If you are interested in sharing your solutions with the wider Laserfiche community, please visit the Laserfiche Solution Marketplace and follow the Submit a Solution link at the top of the page.

Additional Changes

Please see the recent changes page for a listing of additional fixes and changes.