How Does Audit Trail Work?

Laserfiche Audit Trail records events that take place in a Laserfiche repository and Laserfiche Forms enabling you to view those events as part of a report.

The first and most important reason to use Laserfiche Audit Trail is to keep track of what occurs in a Laserfiche repository and in Laserfiche Forms. Before activity can be audited, a privileged user must choose the types of activity that will be logged. After this configuration has been performed, an event will be recorded in the audit log when a user performs an action that requires auditing. The Laserfiche Server will store the repository audited events in a binary log file. The Forms Server will send the information to Audit Trail, and Audit Trail will save the content to audit log files.

The second purpose of Laserfiche Audit Trail reporting: filtering and organizing audited activity. Once you have enabled auditing, you can generate reports to analyze your activity using the Laserfiche Audit Trail Reporting application. This application interprets the log files and allows you to run reports on their contents, filtering by a variety of criteria.