Mandatory Password Changes

You can force users to change their passwords in two ways. The first is for an administrator to modify user properties, so that the user will be required to change the password at next login. The second is to set up a policy where users are forced to change them after a certain period of time since it was set. If you force users to change passwords on a regular basis, you can automatically warn them before expiration, to allow them to think of a new password before their current one expires.

Regardless of how users passwords expire, they won't be allowed to log in to the repository until they set new passwords. In order to do so, they will need to authenticate to the Laserfiche repository. Once that has happened, they will receive a message indicating the password has expired and prompting them to set a new one. Users will not be able to specify the same password.

To manually force a user to change his or her password

  1. Start the Laserfiche Administration Console.
  2. In the console tree, expand the desired Laserfiche Server item.
  3. Select the desired Laserfiche repository.
  4. If security has been enabled on the selected repository, log in as any user who has been granted the Manage Trustees privilege.
  5. Expand the Users and Groups item.
  6. Click the Users item.
  7. Click the user to modify.
  8. From the Action menu, click Properties. The User Properties dialog box will appear.
  9. On the General tab, select the User must change password at next login check box.
    Once you have selected this option, you can also optionally set an expiration on the temporary password. If you select Temporary password changes after and configure a number of hours, the current password will expire after that many hours, and the user will need to contact an administrator to reset their password.
  10. Click OK to save your changes.

To require that users change their passwords on a regular basis

  1. Start the Laserfiche Administration Console.
  2. In the console tree, expand the desired Laserfiche Server item.
  3. Select the desired Laserfiche repository.
  4. Log in as any user who has been granted the Manage Repository Configuration privilege.
  5. Expand the Repository Options node.
  6. Click the Password Policy node.
  7. From the Action menu, click Properties. The Password Policy Properties dialog box will appear.
  8. On the General tab, select the Require users to change passwords on a periodic basis check box.
  9. In the Number of days before password expires option, set the maximum number of days that can pass before a user is required to change his or her password.
  10. To warn users before their password expires, select the Warn account before expiration check box. In the Number of days before expiration that users should receive a password change warning option, specify when a user will receive the warning.
  11. Click OK to save your changes.
  12. Note: A user who has had the Ignore maximum password age option set on their user account will not be forced to change their password on this schedule.

To manually force a user to change his or her password

  1. Open the web client management page. Sign in as any user who has been granted the Manage Trustees privilege.
  2. Click Users on the left.
  3. Select the user to modify.
  4. In the General tab, make sure that Allow user to sign in with a password is checked. Select the User must change password at next login check box. Once you have selected this option, you can also optionally set an expiration on the temporary password by selecting User cannot change password. If you select Temporary password expires after and configure a number of hours, the current password will expire after that many hours, and the user will need to contact an administrator to reset their password.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.

To require that users change their passwords on a regular basis

  1. Start the Laserfiche Web Administration Console.
  2. Select the desired Laserfiche Server.
  3. Select the desired Laserfiche repository.
  4. Log in as any user who has been granted the Manage Repository Configuration privilege.
  5. Under Accounts, click Laserfiche Users/Groups.
  6. Click Password Policy, in the upper right above the list of users.
  7. Select the Require users to change passwords on a periodic basis check box.
  8. In the Number of days before password expires option, set the maximum number of days that can pass before a user is required to change his or her password.
  9. To warn users before their password expires, select the Warn account before expiration check box. In the Number of days before expiration that users should receive a password change warning option, specify when a user will receive the warning.
  10. Click OK to save your changes.
  11. Note: A user who has had the Ignore maximum password age option set on their user account will not be forced to change their password on this schedule.