
Laserfiche user accounts are used to access the repository. A user account is identified by a user name and defines security settings. For example, a user account can determine how the user authenticates to the repository, a password, whether the account is enabled, etc.

The permissions that will be granted or denied to a user result from the sum of all permissions assigned to all groups that user belongs to, combined with the permissions assigned directly to that user.

The Admin User

Every new Laserfiche repository contains a single user account called "Admin." By default, this user account is granted all permissions to the Laserfiche repository, and the default password is blank.

The implications of having the "Admin" account with no password is that Laserfiche security will be turned off: users will not be prompted for login information when opening a repository. Therefore, to enable Laserfiche security, one of the first things you need to do is assign a password to the "Admin" account.

Note: The "Admin" user account is not a special account, and you can rename or even delete it. Before deleting the "Admin" account, make sure the repository contains another user that has been granted Manage Trustees and Set Trustee Privileges privileges.

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