Recycle Bin

The recycle bin feature protects against accidental deletions of Laserfiche documents, folders, pages and electronic files by allowing users and administrators to review and restore them before they are permanently purged. When a user deletes an entry, or deletes a page or electronic file within an entry, it is moved to a special recycle bin folder; if the deleted entry is a folder, its contents will also be moved to the recycle bin. All users can see items that they themselves deleted and will be able to restore those items. Users with appropriate rights can also permanently purge deleted items, and administrators can view, purge, or restore any deleted item in the repository. Items in the recycle bin are not returned in searches or included in exported volumes or briefcases; they function as if they were not in the repository.

Unlike the Windows Recycle Bin, the Laserfiche recycle bin is network-wide; an administrator can review documents deleted from the repository regardless of what computer they were deleted on. When an entry is restored, all of the security information (including tags) and most of the metadata will be restored as well. When a page is restored, its annotations and associated text pages will also be restored.

Administrators can also configure the recycle bin to purge items that have been in the recycle bin for a certain length of time. When a folder is purged, the documents that were in it at the time of deletion are also purged. Documents that were deleted separately will remain in the recycle bin. When a document is purged, pages and electronic files within the document at the time of deletion as well as pages and electronic files that were deleted separately will also be purged. (Pages that were restored to a different document will remain in that document.)

Warning: When you send an entry to the recycle bin, its link and legacy version information will be removed. This information is not restored when the entry is restored from the recycle bin. All other metadata will be restored. Additionally, when an entry is sent to the recycle bin, shortcuts to that document are removed and are not restored when the document is restored.

The recycle bin is enabled by default in new repositories, but disabled by default in migrated repositories. Click here to learn how to enable/disable the recycle bin.

Note: The recycle bin does not contain shortcuts. When a shortcut is deleted, it is completely removed from the repository and cannot be retrieved.

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