Preparing Sessions for Quick Fields Agent

Quick Fields Agent allows you to schedule sessions to start and run unattended. Before scheduling a session, confirm that it runs properly on the designated computer, and that it requires no user input. Quick Fields Agent does provide a validation utility that checks sessions for the most common sources of problems, but it is still good practice to test the sessions yourself.

Note: Quick Fields Agent automatically stores documents when sessions are set to manual storage, as well as when they are set for scheduled storage.


Quick Fields Agent runs the session as though a user had pressed the scan button at the scheduled time. To make sure it will proceed correctly unattended, test the session by opening it on the computer where Quick Fields Agent will run it, pressing the scan button, and confirming that it does not produce dialog boxes that require additional input before the session will continue. If necessary, adjust the session so that it will operate without additional input.

Note: If the user associated with the Quick Fields session during the test run has different permissions from the Quick Fields Agent Service itself, the session may run differently during the test than when run unattended. For more information, see The Quick Fields Agent Service as a Windows User. You may want to also test your sessions in Quick Fields Agent itself by running them immediately upon configuration before allowing them to run unattended on schedule.


When you create sessions that will be run by Quick Fields Agent, configure them so the connections to Laserfiche do not require login, which would pop up a dialog box that would cause the unattended sessions to stall. You can use: