Quick Fields Scanning Ribbon and Toolbars

ClosedRibbons and toolbars provide ready access to frequently used actions and settings. The ribbon at the top can be collapsed and expanded using the arrow in the top right Collapse/Expand button.

Universal Capture Ribbon

Universal Capture ribbon and toolbar

Laserfiche Capture Engine Ribbon

Laserfiche Capture Engine ribbon and toolbar

Physical Scanner Ribbon

Scanner ribbon and toolbar

Note: Toolbars can not be customized in Quick Fields Scanning. Panes can be turned on, off, or resized, but they can not be relocated.

File tab
Directs you to the Quick Fields Scanning Start page where you can open an existing workspace or session, or create a new workspace. Click the Back button Back button to go back to Quick Fields Scanning.
Home tab


Scan button Stop scanning button

Starts and stops scanning. Clicking the drop-down arrow lets you choose the session or document class you want to use to identify and process the scanned documents.

Choose Scanner

Choose Scanner button

If using a physical scanner, this option lets you choose the scanner for scanning documents.

Scan Settings

Scan Settings button

Opens the scan settings for the scan source the session or workspace is currently using.

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings button

If using a physical scanner, this option lets you choose specific settings for the physical scanner selected.

Paper size

Paper size drop-down

If using a physical scanner, this option lets you choose the paper size for the scanned documents (e.g., letter, legal, A4, etc.).

Paper source

Paper Source drop-down

If using a physical scanner, this option lets you choose the scanner's paper source (e.g., feeder or automatic).


Color drop-down

If using a physical scanner, this option lets you choose if the images scanned will be back & white, color, or grayscale.

Retrieve From

Retrieve From option

If using Universal Capture (scan from computer) or Laserfiche Capture Engine (scan from Laserfiche), this option defines the source location to scan images from. Click the browse button to select a location.

File Types

File Types option

If using Universal Capture, this option defines the type of images to scan.

Documents Matching

Documents Matching option

If using Laserfiche Capture Engine, this option defines the name filter. This option will not appear if Laserfiche Capture Engine has been configured using Laserfiche advanced search syntax.

Example: The following filter specifies that Laserfiche Capture Engine should only retrieve documents whose names start with "sample" and end with a single digit.


In this filter, the question mark acts as a wildcard.

Store All Documents

Store All Documents button

Stores all documents to the Laserfiche repository.

Delete All Documents

Delete All Documents button

Deletes all scanned documents. You will always be prompted when clicking this option, as a fail safe.
Navigation tab
The Navigation tab buttons only navigate through documents currently displayed in the Document List Pane. For example, if a document class filter has been applied, and only the "Application" documents are displayed, clicking Next Document will go to the next "Application" document. All other documents not assigned the "Application" document class will be skipped.

Previous Document with Error

Previous Document with Error button

Navigates to the previous document containing an error in the Document list Pane. Hover over the error icon in the Document List Pane for more information.

Previous Document

Navigates to the previous document in the Document List Pane.

Next Document

Next Document button

Navigates to the next document in the Document List Pane.

Next Document with Error

Next Document with Error button

Navigates to the next document containing an error in the Document List Pane. Hover over the error icon in the Document List Pane for more information.
View tab

Reset Layout

Reset Layout button

Resets each pane to its default size and visibility. The Messages Pane and Text Pane are hidden by default.

Document List Pane

Document List Pane button

Displays/Hides the Document List Pane.

Messages Pane

Messages Pane button

Displays/Hides the Messages Pane.

Metadata Pane

Metadata Pane button

Displays/Hides the Metadata Pane.

Image Pane

Image Pane button

Displays/Hides the Image Pane.

Thumbnails Pane

Thumbnails Pane button

Displays/Hides the Thumbnails Pane.
Other Options (top right)
Collapse/Expand Collapse/Expand button Collapses or expands the ribbon.
Save workspace Save button Saves the current workspace.
Scanning Options Options button Opens the Quick Fields Scanning options.
Help/Shortcuts Help and Shortcut button Opens the help document or a list of Quick Fields Scanning shortcuts.
Pages View Toolbar

Open Document

Open Document button

Opens the selected document in the Document View.


Rotate Document button

Rotates the selected pages 90 degrees clockwise.


Split Document button

Splits the selected pages into a new document.

Create Document

Create Document button

Creates a new document from the selected pages.


Delete button

Deletes the selected pages.


Cut button

Cuts the selected pages and puts them in the clipboard.


Paste button

Pastes the clipboard contents.
Document View Toolbar

Pages View


Takes you back to the Pages View
Zoom In Zoom in button Zooms in. You can also right-click the image and select Zoom in.

Zoom Level

Zoom Level option

Displays an image at a preset zoom setting. Select Fit to match the current size of the Image Pane.
Zoom Out Zoom Out button Zooms out. You can also right-click the image and select Zoom out.
Previous Page Previous Page button Navigates to the previous document page.

Page Number

Page Number option

Navigates to the page number entered into the box.
Next Page Next Page button Navigates to the next document page.


Rotate button

Rotates the selected pages 90 degrees clockwise.


Split button

Splits the selected pages into a new document.


Delete button

Deletes the selected pages.