Standard Tokens

A token is a placeholder value that is automatically replaced with actual values when a document is scanned or stored in a Laserfiche repository. You can use tokens to name documents, populate field data, or define a document's location. Standard tokens are those that Quick Fields can determine from the computer or session settings. These include such information as the date and time according to the computer settings, the count number of the document among all documents scanned by that session, or the source path of the document if you are processing documents that have already been stored on a network drive or in Laserfiche. The tokens automatically available to you will vary depending on the scan source you are using.

Example: Joe has ten documents to scan. He wants each document to be automatically named in the following format: Scan Date - Name of the User that Scanned the Document. To apply this naming convention, Joe configures his scanning session to use a default document name. The default name he defines uses the Date and Username tokens via the following syntax: %(Date) - %(Username). After Joe scans and stores his ten documents, they will each be automatically named similar to the following: 04/08/2010 - Joe.

The following list details the standard tokens available in Quick Fields.

Name Syntax Description
Date %(Date) Date a document is scanned.
Time %(Time) Time a document is scanned.
Date Time %(Date Time) Date and time a document is scanned (e.g., 3/19/2008 8:01:34 PM)
Username %(Username) *Name of the user that scanned a document.
ID %(ID) *Laserfiche Entry ID assigned to a newly scanned document once it's stored in Laserfiche.
Document ID %(Document ID) *Laserfiche Document ID already associated with a Laserfiche document scanned by Laserfiche Capture Engine.
Parent %(Parent)

*The value of the same field assigned to the document's parent folder.

Name %(Name) The original name of a document scanned by Universal Capture or Laserfiche Capture Engine.
Path %(Path)

The original path of a document or shortcut or scanned by Universal Capture or Laserfiche Capture Engine(e.g., C:\Documents and Settings\John Doe\My Documents).

Source Path %(Source Path) The path of the original document whose shortcut is scanned by Laserfiche Capture Engine.
Creation Date %(Creation Date)

The Windows creation date for a document scanned by Universal Capture.

Modification Date %(Modification Date)

The Windows modification date for a document scanned by Universal Capture.

Count %(Count) Each scanned document is assigned a number according to the chronological order in which it was scanned. The Count token represents this number. You can reset the count.
Page %(Page) The current page number in a document (generally used with stamps).
Page Count %(Page Count) The total number of pages in a document.
Machine Name %(Machine Name) The name of the machine running Quick Fields.
Extension %(Extension) The extension of the document being scanned (e.g., doc, pdf).
Image File Size %(Image File Size) The size of the image in kilobytes.

*Value is assigned after the document is stored in a Laserfiche repository.