Getting Started with Queries

Queries allow you to perform queries on lookup tables or external data sources. The queries editor includes a set of boxes that allow you to build SQL-like expressions to extract information from data sources.

To create a new query:

  1. On the Rules page, select the arrow beside New and select Query as your rule type.
  2. In the Create Query Rule dialog, specify the Name and Description for your rule.
  3. Select whether you want to query a lookup table or a data source.
    1. If you choose to query a data source, specify the external data source that you want to query.
  4. Choose whether to build a Select, Insert, Update, or Delete query type.

    Note: Delete is only available on the Lookup Table query type.

  5. Click Create.
  6. Build the query statement with the following sections of the query editor:
    • FROM: Specify the table you want to query.
    • SELECT: Pick the columns from the table.
    • WHERE: Pick individual values in a column.
    • ORDER BY: Indicate the order of the query results.
    • GROUP BY: Organize the data in a column.
  7. Configure the Rows to Return field with the desired number of rows for the query to return. Returning only the amount of rows necessary for your process can increase performance.
  8. Note: If the Rows to Return field is not configured, it will default to 100 rows for new rules and 10,000 rows for previously created rules

  9. Use the Test button to ensure that the query works as you expect.
  10. Add the query to your processes.

Alternatively, you can import a query from a .bri file. After import, double-click on the rule to open the rule editor.

For an example that uses this feature across process automation, see the Migrating Laserfiche Form Tables into Microsoft Word Documents whitepaper.