Managing Projects

One you have created your team, you can create projects that only the team will have access to. This allows a business unit or other group within a company to have processes that are specific to their team. To access the projects area, click the Projects tab.

At any time, you can go to your project workspace by clicking the View Project Workspace button. This takes you to a landing page for the project where you can build business processes, rules, surveys, and data models that interact with resources specific to the project. See Navigating Teams for more details.

Creating a Project

  1. On the Project tab, click New in the top left corner of the tab.
  2. Enter or select a team name, URL friendly name, and description for the project.
  3. Click Create.

Modifying Project Details

You can modify the name, URL-friendly name, and description of a project.

  1. On the Projects tab, click the Update icon to the right of the project name.
  2. Modify the name, URL-friendly name, or description of the project.
  3. Click Update.

Deleting a Project

  1. On the Projects tab, click the Delete icon to the right of the project name.
  2. Complete the deletion challenge to verify that you wish to delete the project and all of it's resources in the confirmation dialog that appears.
  3. Click Delete.

Transferring Ownership of a Project

  1. On the Projects tab, click the Transfer Ownership icon to the right of the project name.
  2. In the dialog, type part of the name of the team that will be taking ownership of the project.
  3. Select the desired team.
  4. Click Save to move the project and all its resources to the selected team.

Additional Project Settings

Project Access to Global Resources

If there are resources in the Global project that are needed by the current project, you can add them here. You can also allow access to all global resources of a given type if needed. By default, the project will be set to deny access to all global resources.

Adding or editing project access to global resources

  1. Next to Project Resource Access click Edit.
  2. For each resource type, you can select whether to Deny access to all global resources, Allow access to all global resources, or Allow access to specific resources.
    1. If selecting specific resources, click Add Resource.
    2. Search for the desired resource and click Add
  3. Once all global resource options are set, click Update.

External Project Access

When necessary, you can allow access the project to users or groups that are not part of the team for troubleshooting, designing, and building resources within a project. You control what an external user has access to through their Laserfiche Process Automation security roles. See the Determining Access Rights page for details on how the roles are applied.

Setting External Project Access Options

  1. If the toggle is off and reads Project access is denied, click the toggle to enable.
  2. To limit access to a specified length of time, check the box to Revoke project access at specific time and select when to automatically revoke access.
  3. To specific which Laserfiche roles or which specific users or groups are allowed access, click Edit next to Access Granted To.
  4. In the External Project Access dialog, select the roles and/or the specific users or groups which will be allowed to access the project.

    Note: If a Laserfiche security role is selected, all Laserfiche account users with that role will have access to the project according to the Determining Access Rights charts.

  5. Check the View submitted data checkbox to allow the selected roles, users, or groups to be able to access data gathered (forms or surveys submitted, for example) within the project.
  6. Click Update to save the changes.