Administering Named Users with Laserfiche Rio

Laserfiche Rio uses Named User licensing, which reserves a licensed connection for each user account or device you grant access to. Most Laserfiche Rio licensing operations (including allocation of Directory Named Users, Named Devices, and Public Portal licenses) are performed in the License Manager. However, once a block of Repository Named User licenses have been reserved for a particular Server, you will need to allocate them in the Laserfiche Administration Console.

Reminder: Repository Named Users are Named User licenses granted to Laserfiche users. A Repository Named User is only licensed to access one specific Laserfiche repository on one specific Laserfiche Server. Directory Named Users are named user licenses granted to Windows or LDAP users. Directory Named User licenses do not need to be reserved per Server or configured in the Administration Console. See the Rio Deployment Guide for more information.

There are two steps to adding Repository Named Users to your repository.

First, you must reserve a block of Named User licenses as Repository Named Users for a particular Laserfiche Server. Repository Named User licenses come from the same Named User license pool as all other Named User and Device licenses. Once they have been allocated to a particular Laserfiche Server, however, they can only be used on repositories hosted by that Laserfiche Server. Since this makes them less flexible than Directory Named User accounts, we recommend only allocating as many Repository Named User licenses as absolutely necessary per repository. (You do not need to reserve licenses by Server for Directory Named Users, as a Directory Named User license is valid across all Servers at your installation.)

Once you have reserved a block of Repository Named Users for a Server in License Manager, you can use those licenses in your repository in one of two ways. You can either mark an existing Laserfiche user as a Repository Named User in the repository's Users and Groups node, or you can add an existing Laserfiche user to the Laserfiche Named Users list for the Server. You do not need to perform both steps. For instance, if you have a Laserfiche trustee called JSMITH, and you want to add that user to the Named User list, you can either flag that user as a Repository Named User in the user's Properties dialog in the repository (see Adding Existing Users to the Repository Named User List), or you can add the user to the Repository Named User list for the server (see Adding a Repository Named User). You can mark them as Named Users either way, but you do not need to do both. Once a trustee exists in the repository and has been granted a Named User license, its Named User status will be reflected in both places.

Note: If you are using WebLink with Laserfiche Rio, you can use Public Portal Licenses to allow anonymous public access to your repository. These are allocated by Server in the Laserfiche License Manager. See Public Portal Licenses for more information.

Note: You must be a system manager to administer repository named user licenses in the Administration Console. See System Managers for more information.

The following sections describe how to add or link a Repository Named User in the Administration Console. 

For more information on a specific licensing topic, return to the licensing home page.