Setting a User's Password

The password for any Laserfiche user can be changed by a user with the Manage Trustees privilege without requiring that the privileged user know the other user's password. This allows an administrator to handle the following situations:

In the first case, a user that does not know his or her own password cannot access a Laserfiche repository using password authentication. Additionally, that user cannot change his or her own password, since the original password is required to validate that user. In the second case, if you do not want to wait for a user to change his or her own password, you can change it for him. You would then have to inform that user of his or her new password. Additionally, you can require that the user change his or her password the first time that he or she logs in to the repository. For more information, see Mandatory Password Changes.  

Note: A user can also change their own password from the Laserfiche Windows client, unless the password policy has specifically been set up to prevent them from doing so.

To set a user's password

  1. Start the Laserfiche Administration Console.
  2. In the console tree, expand the desired Laserfiche Server item.
  3. Select the desired Laserfiche repository.
  4. If security has been enabled on that repository, log in as any user who has been granted the Manage Trustees privilege.
  5. Expand the Users and Groups node.
  6. Click the Users node.
  7. Click the user to modify.
  8. From the Action menu, click Properties. The User Properties dialog box will appear.
  9. In the General tab, make sure that the Allow users to log in with password check box is selected.
  10. In the Password option, type the password that will be assigned to that user, or press the Generate Password button to generate a new, random password.
  11. In the Verify Password option, verify the password that will be assigned to that user by typing it again.
  12. Click OK to save your changes.

To set a user's password

  1. Open the web client management page. Sign in as any user who has been granted the Manage Trustees privilege.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Select the user to modify.
  4. On the General tab, make sure that the Allow user to log in with password check box is selected.
  5. In the Password option, type the password that will be assigned to that user, or click Generate Password to generate a new, random password.
  6. In the Verify Password option, verify the password that will be assigned to that user by typing it again.
  7. Click Save to save your changes.