Using Condition Editors

You may want to identify documents or ensure certain processes in Quick Fields run only if specific conditions are met. You can assign:

Creating a condition

In a Closedcondition editor, conditions are assigned through a series of nested menu options that start broad and become more specific. Click any underlined text in the condition editor for more options.

You can create as many conditions as you want by clicking Add condition.

Ordering conditions logically

There are two reasons you may want to pay attention to the order of your conditions:

How to order conditions

Using tokens in conditions

Tokens are available on both sides of conditions.

Tokens on the left side of a condition

Example: Taylor places the multi-value Author token on the left side of a condition and specifies that the token must equal Bob. When the process runs, the token has three values: Susan, Bob, and John. The condition is satisfied because one of the token's values is Bob.

Tokens on the right side of a condition

Token Types

When using tokens to define conditions, it's important to tell Quick Fields the type of tokens that will be evaluated (on the left side) in order for them to be evaluated as expected. For example, if you have a String token type with the text "10", and you define a condition to be "greater than 5", it will not be evaluated as expected because the token on the left side is defined as a String token, which means, alphabetically,"5" is greater than "10". Changing the token type to Number will evaluate the condition as expected.

You can see the type of token that is being evaluated next to the Condition Token Text by selecting the condition, then select the ClosedShow token type checkbox at the bottom of the condition editor.

To change the token type

  1. Make sure you have the condition selected and select Change type.
  2. Select the token type from the ClosedChoose Token Type dialog box. Your selection will be reflected on the right side of the condition. For example, if you select Date, the right side of the condition will be formatted to accept dates.