Pattern Matching

ClosedPattern Matching looks for a specified pattern within a user-defined value. You can use Pattern Matching to recognize social security numbers, telephone numbers, ZIP codes, or any other information that follows a specific pattern. It is also useful for looking for information that follows leading text: for example, looking for "Name:" and then extracting the text that comes after it. Another use is in reprocessing documents; for example, extracting a piece of information such as the date from a file name and entering it in a field. Pattern Matching works by "reading" through text strings to match patterns that are defined using Pattern Matching Expressions, also known as Regular Expressions. Pattern Matching can be used in Pre-Classification Processing, First Page Identification, Page Processing, Last Page Identification, or Post-Processing.

Note: When defining a pattern, you should only use the expressions defined in the Regular Expression Reference. Wildcards are not supported for this process. The behavior for wildcard characters is overridden by the behavior assigned to the same character(s) under Regular Expression Reference.

To use Pattern Matching

  1. In the Session Configuration Pane, select the stage of processing where you want to use Pattern Matching.
  2. In the Tasks Pane, select Pattern Matching.
  3. You can optionally enter a name for the process under Process Name.
  4. Move through each step of the wizard at the bottom of the pane. You can also click Skip Wizard to display and configure the properties all at once.
  5. Page Range: When configuring a process in Page Processing or Post-Processing, you will be prompted to specify a page range. In other stages, default settings will be automatically applied.
  6. Pattern Configuration: To configure a pattern, click Create Token. The New Token dialog box will open.
  7. Optional: To preview how this process will affect scanned images and OCRed or extracted text, test processes. For the best results, add a custom sample page before testing. Adjust and test until you are satisfied with the results.

    Note: If Pattern Matching is configured under Pre-Classification Processing, you will be able to right-click the text pane to access the Sample Pages menu.

Note: Some processes come with the basic Quick Fields installation, and some must be purchased as add-ons. Contact your reseller for more information.