How First Page Identification Works

When pages scanned into Quick Fields reach the First Page Identification stage, Quick Fields compares each page to the identification conditions defined within the processes there to see whether that page should become the first page of a new document in that document class. A page is defined as image or text. According to the default Quick Fields settings, a page that matches the identification conditions will be assigned to the document class. Each following page that does not match an identification condition will be appended to the first page as additional pages of the document. When another page does meet the identification conditions, that page will become the first page in a new document.

Example: The Human Resources Department is processing job applications. Each application packet consists of a standardized application form followed by supplementary materials such as resumes, letters of recommendation, transcripts, writing samples, and so on. They configure a Quick Fields session with a document class named "Job Applications." In the First Page Identification stage under that document class, they configure a Form Identification process to recognize their standardized job application form. When they place the documents into the scanner, they organize them so the standardized form precedes the supplemental materials for each applicant. When scanned, the applications will be grouped into packets with the standardized form as the first page of each packet.

Other Options and First Page Identification

When you configure options in other areas, they can affect the First Page Identification stage. See How Documents are Identified for more information.

Note: Using multiple document classes also involves special considerations.