Annotation Properties
Colors, shapes, line style and thickness, metadata, and other properties can be assigned to annotations. These properties can be modified in each annotation's Properties dialog box.
Configuring Annotation Properties
In the Annotation Properties dialog, you can configure the fill color, opacity, shape, line color, line thickness, line style, head style, and tail style for different annotations, as well as the default properties for future annotations. You can also review information about the annotation, and add or edit comments.
Note: The options available in this dialog depend on the annotation you are editing. To see which properties apply to each annotation type, consult the table below.
To configure annotation properties in the Windows client
- Right-click an annotation, and select Properties.
- In the Draw Properties tab of the dialog box, configure the following properties (if relevant):
- Fill Color: Select the color you want the annotation to be from the drop-down menu. To select a color not included in the list, click More and select a color from the color palette.
- Opacity: Configure the degree to which the selected annotation is transparent by typing a number or using the up-and-down arrows. The higher the number, the more opaque it is.
- Shape: If you're editing a rectangle, rounded rectangle, or ellipse annotation, use this drop-down menu to switch between these shapes.
- Rotation: Select the degree the annotation will be rotated as compared to the image. You can quickly rotate an annotation by right-clicking it and selecting Rotate.
- Line Color: Select the color you want the line border of the annotation to be. To select a color not included in the list, click More and select a color from the color palette as described in the Fill Color option above.
- Thickness: Specify the thickness of the border or line portion of the annotation in pixels by typing a number or using the up-and-down arrows.
- Style: Specify the style of the border or line portion of the annotation by selecting a style from the drop-down menu.
- Text Size: If you are editing a text box or callout text annotation, you can specify the size of the text by typing a number or using the up-and-down arrows.
- Head style: The style of the head end of a line annotation.
- Tail Style: The style of the tail end of a line annotation.
- Optional: Select Save as default to make the configured properties the default for all new annotations.
- In the Metadata tab, review annotation metadata.
- Creator: The user who first created the selected annotation.
- Date Created: The date the annotation was first created.
- Last Modified: The date the annotation was last modified.
- Comments: Any comments associated with the annotation. You can add or modify comments by typing them in the text box.
- Style: Whether the annotation is protected or private. See Private and Protected Annotations for more information.
- Sticky note annotations have an additional History tab. In this tab, you can review the history of changes to the sticky note. See Sticky Note History for more information.
Note: The default properties are not necessarily specific to each annotation type. Shape annotation, text box, and callout text annotations share default properties while line annotations and freehand annotations share different default properties. The defaults set here apply to the user you are logged in as; defaults set here do not affect the default settings for other users.
Note: If the selected color cannot be displayed as a solid color (for example, on systems that display only 256 colors), it will be changed to the nearest solid color at display time. This will not affect the color stored in the repository, even if the system that created it was not capable of properly displaying it.
Note: If you are editing the color of linked highlights or redactions, changing the color in this dialog box changes the color of the annotation on both the image and the text.
Note: The fill color of some head and tail styles can be customized by using the Fill Color option.
To configure annotation properties in the web client
- Right-click an annotation, and select Properties.
- In the Appearance tab of the dialog box, configure the following properties (if relevant):
- Fill Color: The main color assigned to the annotation.
- Opacity: The degree to which the selected annotation is transparent. The higher the number, the more opaque it is.
- Shape: The shape to be assigned to the selected annotation.
- Line Color: The color to be assigned to the line border of the selected annotation.
- Thickness: The thickness to be assigned to the line.
- Style: The style to be assigned to the line.
- Head Style: The style to be assigned to the selected line's head.
- Tail Style: The style to be assigned to the selected line's tail. The table below displays the properties for each annotation.
- Save as default: The selected properties are the default for all new annotations of the same type.
- In the Metadata tab, review annotation metadata.
- Creator: The annotation creator.
- Date Created: The date and time the annotation was created.
- Last Modified: The date and time the annotation was last modified.
- Comments: Add or view annotation comments.
- Annotation will only be visible to its creator: If this is selected, the annotation is private. It cannot be seen by anyone other than its creator.
- Annotation may only be modified by its creator or the document owner: If this is selected, the annotation is protected. It cannot be modified by anyone other than its creator or the document owner.
- Sticky note, callout text, and text box annotations have an additional Text tab that can be used to view and modify the text of the selected annotation.
- Sticky note annotations have an additional History tab. In this tab, you can review the history of changes to the sticky note. See Sticky Note History for more information.
Annotation Properties Reference
The table below displays the properties for each annotation.
Annotation | Fill Color | Opacity | Shape | Rotation | Line Color | (Line) Thickness | (Line) Style | Text Size | Head Style | Tail Style |
Attachment | ||||||||||
Callout Text | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||
Freehand | x | x | x | |||||||
Highlight | x | |||||||||
Image | x | x | ||||||||
Line | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||
Polygon | x | x | x | x | x | |||||
Redaction | x | |||||||||
Shape | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||
Stamp | x | x | x | |||||||
Sticky Note | x | |||||||||
Strikethrough | x | x | ||||||||
Text Box | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||
Underline | x | x |