
The Records Management privilege, assigned to users through the Laserfiche Administration Console, grants certain records management operations in the Laserfiche Administration Console, and in the Laserfiche Windows client and the web client.

This privilege does not bypass basic Laserfiche security; however it does allow users to continue to perform certain actions on a record even when that record has entered a life cycle stage that would normally prevent the action.

In the Laserfiche Administration Console, users with this privilege can create, manage, and delete

In the Laserfiche Windows client and the web client, users with this privilege can

Note: Records management information (such as retention status and eligibility) can be viewed, but not modified, by users without the Records Management privilege.

Important: The Records Management privilege does not bypass basic Laserfiche security. In the Laserfiche Windows client and the web client, users must be granted Browse and Read entry access rights to records before they can perform records management actions on them; users must also be granted the Create Folders entry access right to create a record series. For example, if users cannot see the existence of a record folder, they won't be able to modify the record folder's properties.