Field and Template Search

You can search for documents and folders, in the Search Pane, by assigned template, field value, or multiple field values, using the field search type.

The Quick Search and Basic Search types also let you search across all fields in the repository. Or, increase the power of your searches by using the advanced fields and templates search syntax.

To specify a field and value to search for, type the value you want to search for in the field. The search values you can input depend on the field type and any constraints on the field. For instance, you cannot search for alphabet characters in a number field, and if an administrator has constrained the phone number format that can be typed in a phone number field, you will not be able to type the number in a non-matching format. Likewise, when performing a Date, Time or Date/Time search, you will only be able to input date and time values that match the date and time formatting for that field.

When searching on a date field, you can search for a date range. Learn about the Closedtypes of date searches.

To perform a field and/or template search

Note: For template searches, all fields left blank will be ignored when the search is performed. If you search on individual field types, leaving the field value blank will return documents where that fields has no value.