Configure Fields

In the ClosedConfigure Fields dialog box, templates and fields can be customized for each document class in Quick Fields without changing the settings in the Laserfiche repository.

Note: To configure fields, you must have the appropriate permissions in Laserfiche.

To open the Configure Fields dialog box

  1. Select the name of the document class in the Session Configuration Pane.
  2. Select Configure fields from the Action menu or the bottom of the Tasks Pane on the right. You can also double-click the Closedtemplate name or No template assigned at the top of the Fields tab.

  3. The Configure Fields dialog box will open.


In the General tab of the Configure Fields dialog box, fields can be reviewed, rearranged, and modified in various ways, including:

Real-Time  Processes

In the Real-Time Processes tab, you can create processes that can update or compare data during Revision.