Laserfiche Client Shortcut Options

By default, starting the Laserfiche Windows client will open the Laserfiche Start Page. This page displays a list of available repositories, allowing a user to choose the repository he or she will access. However, if a user will always access the same repository, then he or she may want to bypass the Laserfiche Start Page when Laserfiche is started. This allows the user to immediately start working with the information stored in a Laserfiche repository.


Command-line parameters can be stored in the Target option of a Windows shortcut. (You can view the Target option of a shortcut by opening the shortcut's properties and selecting the Shortcut tab.) This allows you to automatically open a particular repository by double-clicking on a shortcut.

To configure a shortcut to the Laserfiche Windows client

  1. Select an existing shortcut to the Laserfiche Windows client, or create a new shortcut. This shortcut can be on the desktop, in the Start menu, or in a folder in Windows. Alternately, create a new shortcut by copying LF.exe in the Laserfiche Windows client installation directory and pasting it as a shortcut.
  2. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties. This will open the Properties dialog.
  3. Select the Shortcut tab.
  4. In the Target option, scroll to the end of the path to LF.exe, add a space, and then type whatever parameters you want to add. See the table below for parameters and example users.
  5. Click OK.

Tip: While you cannot directly modify a shortcut pinned to the taskbar in Windows 7 or later, you can still customize these shortcuts. To do so, follow the steps above to create a customized shortcut on the desktop, then right-click that shortcut and select Pin to Taskbar.

Command-Line Parameters

A user can automatically log in to a Laserfiche repository by using command-line parameters. These parameters indicate the repository that will be accessed and the manner in which the user will authenticate to the repository. The following table describes the available parameters.

Parameter Description

This parameter specifies the Laserfiche repository that will be accessed when the Laserfiche Windows client is started. The term RepositoryName should be replaced by the name of the desired Laserfiche repository. Although the name of the desired repository is not case-sensitive, you must spell it exactly as it appears in the Laserfiche Start Page. The name of the desired repository should be enclosed in quotation marks.

Example: -L"TestRepository"


This parameter indicates that you want to use Windows authentication to authenticate to the specified Laserfiche repository. If you choose to use this parameter, you cannot use the –P or the –N parameters.

Example: -W

Tip: If only the -W parameter is used, you will still need to select a repository to log into. To log into a specific repository using Windows authentication, use the -W and -L parameters.

Example: -W -L"TestRepository"


This parameter indicates that you want to open the repository to a particular entry (folder or document). The ObjectID term is the entry ID of the folder or document that you want the Client to open (find this information in the properties dialog box). This parameter must be used in conjunction with the –L parameter.

Example: -L"Rohan" -E123


If you use the -E parameter to specify a folder, -R will make that folder the root of the folder tree. Otherwise, the entire folder tree will be displayed.

Example: -L"Rohan" -E123 -R


This parameter, used in conjunction with the -E and -L parameters, specifies how documents will be opened. Use the following numbers to specific how to open the document: 0 (Metadata dialog box), 1 (document viewer), 2 (native application), 3 (native application - read only), 4 (business process history).

Example: -L"Rohan" -E123 -M3


This parameter specifies a search syntax, the results of which will be accessed when the Laserfiche Windows client is started. The term SearchSyntax should be replaced by the desired advanced search syntax.

Note: Quotes used in the search syntax must be escaped using a backslash.

Example: -S"({Lf:Name=\"*docname*\", Type=\"DBFS\"})"


This parameter specifics the name of the server being logged into in the case that it is not already known in the registry. The term ServerNameshould be replaced by the desired server's name.

Example: -C"LocalServer" -L"TestRepository"


This parameter provides the initial position for the Laserfiche Windows client window, listed in the following order: left, top, right, bottom.

Example: -O10,20,1000,1000

Sample Usage

There are three different ways that you can handle authentication when automatically logging a user in to a Laserfiche repository. You can use Windows authentication, password authentication, or let the status of the Use Windows authentication checkbox determine how authentication will be handled. Sample syntax is provided below for each of these methods.

The following example allows the Laserfiche Windows client to open the "My Repository" repository using Windows authentication.

The following example only indicates that you want to log in to the "My Repository" repository. Since Laserfiche does not know whether you want to use password or Windows authentication, it will use the status of the Use Windows authentication checkbox to determine the authentication mode. If the Use Windows authentication checkbox is selected, it will use Windows authentication. If the Use Windows authentication checkbox is cleared, the Login dialog box will prompt the user for a user name and password.

You can also use the Entry ID flag to tell the Client to open to a particular document. The following example will open the Client directly to the document or folder with the Entry ID number 53. If this is used in conjunction with the repository flag and the Windows authentication flag, the user will automatically be logged in; if not, they will be prompted to log in and then will be taken to the document or folder.

Note: the Laserfiche Windows client will still enforce security.