Electronic Documents

Electronic documents are associated with an electronic file, such as a PDF, Word document, or Excel spreadsheet. PDF documents can be viewed in Quick Fields if you have Adobe Reader installed on the same machine where Quick Fields is installed. Many other types of electronic documents can also be processed in Quick Fields even if they cannot be viewed in the Display Pane.

Note: To view PDFs in Quick Fields, Adobe Reader must be set to open PDFs in the browser. This setting can be changed in Adobe Reader from the Preferences option. Under internet, check the box labeled Display PDF in browser.

Most of the Quick Fields processes that apply to electronic documents involve working with extracted text. If your electronic document has associated text, you can use the Text Extraction process to generate text for use in Quick Fields and Laserfiche. With add-ons such as Pattern Matching and other processes that handle text, you can fill out document metadata such as document name, fields, and folder path, or look up additional information from a database.

In addition to electronic files, text, and metadata, electronic documents can also have associated image pages. When working with documents that contain both image and electronic files, First Page Identification and other processes can work differently on each. Configure your session with care to avoid configuring processes that will handle image and electronic files very differently and cause unexpected results.

Note: Processes that work with electronic documents can only be applied in the Pre-Classification Processing stage.