
Processing consists of the various operations performed on documents scanned in a session. Quick Fields processes extract or add information to a page or document. Image enhancements improve image quality to generate better results from processes. These operations are configured before you begin scanning and can be saved with the session to be used repeatedly on different documents. During scanning, they are performed in the order determined by the Session Configuration Pane.

Processes and image enhancements can be used at various stages within the session. Where they are used in the session and in relation to each other will affect the outcome of the session. For instance, you must configure Text Extraction in Pre-Classification Processing in order to be able to use processes that require extracted text (e.g., Substitution) on electronic documents in Page Processing. Also, image enhancements should be used before data extraction processes; for instance, you would configure Despeckle before Optical Mark Recognition to ensure you are reading intended marks and not stray dots introduced during scanning. In addition, you can reduce the amount of time it takes to run a Quick Fields session by configuring time-consuming processes that other processes do not depend on in Post-Processing so they will run when the documents are stored to Laserfiche. Before scanning, you can change the order of processes and enhancements and test processes to confirm that the configuration produces the desired results.

The stages of processing are: