Last Page Identification Processes

Last Page Identification processes matches pages to specified criteria—identification conditions—for each document class to determine when a page is the last page of a document. Some processes can be used only for the purpose of identifying the last page of documents, although some of these can be configured in the Pre-Classification Processing stage as well as the Last Page Identification stage. When configuring these processes in the Last Page Identification stage, you will have the additional step of defining the identification condition. You can also assign image enhancements or other processes within Last Page Identification that do not contain identification conditions but help prepare the document for the Last Page Identification process: e.g., using Despeckle to get better results when using OmniPage Zone OCR to read a word from an image.

Note: The processes that appear in the Tasks Pane are determined by stage selected in the Session Configuration Pane; only processes that can be used in that stage will be shown.

Note: Processes and image enhancements used within the Last Page Identification stage will apply only within Last Page Identification. To store data from an image or permanently modify the image, use the process or enhancement in a different stage of processing.