Creating a Workspace in Quick Fields Scanning

To create a new workspace, open the Quick Fields Scanning Start Page and select New.

Connecting Quick Fields Scanning 11 to a Quick Fields 11 Server

New Workspace

You can create a new workspace in one of three ways:

Creating a Workspace Out of a Session

Sessions created in Quick Fields and published to the Quick Fields Server can be loaded into a workspace in Quick Fields Scanning. This lets administrators create and configure session settings in Quick Fields and make these sessions available to scanner operators in Quick Fields Scanning. Documents scanned into Quick Fields Scanning using an existing session will be identified and processed by the document class identification conditions specified in Quick Fields Scanning, while specific scan settings and Pre-Classification processing will be defined by the session.

Saving a Workspace

Once a session is opened in a workspace, some of its settings can be modified. For example, you can update the scan source or choose a different session or document class to identify and process the scanned documents. After making changes, you can click the Save button Save button at the top right of Quick Fields Scanning to save it locally as a new workspace.

Selecting the Set as the default workspace option in the ClosedSave Workspace dialog box will open this workspace next time Quick Fields Scanning is opened. The default workspace can be changed under Startup in the Options dialog box.

Save Workspace dialog box

Note: Workspaces cannot be uploaded to the Quick Fields Server. They can only be saved and opened locally.