Using Laserfiche Tokens in Microsoft Office

You can insert Laserfiche tokens in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint documents to provide dynamic information from your repository. For example, you can insert a token containing the document's path in the Laserfiche repository, allowing other users to quickly find the document. You could also insert the document's creator in Laserfiche into the header or footer.

The available tokens are:

Note: Available tokens may vary depending on how you opened or saved your document. For instance, the Laserfiche Web Client Address token is available when you open your document from the Laserfiche web client.

In most cases, the token will immediately be replaced by the relevant value. If the token is not immediately replaced, you can use the Refresh button to connect to the repository and update the information.

To insert a token into a Microsoft Office document

  1. Open a Microsoft Word, Excel, or Powerpoint document stored in your repository, or save a Microsoft Word document to your repository.
  2. Position your cursor at the place in the document where you want to insert the token.  Tokens can be inserted in the document's body, header, or footer.
  3. Select the Laserfiche tab on the ribbon, and then click Tokens.
  4. Choose the token you want to insert from the list. It will automatically be inserted at the selected place in the document. To add a field value as a token, select ... and then choose the field from the list.
  5. If the token is not immediately replaced by its value, click Refresh.

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