Current Session: General

The ClosedGeneral node under Current Session in the Options dialog box enables you to specify a number of general session settings, such as a default location to save Output Pane contents and a default language for the Script Editor.

Tip: You can define these settings when creating a session if you are using the full or standard wizard (select the General option on the Additional Session Settings screen). To access these settings for an existing session, select Tools, Options, Current Session, General.

To configure the general session options

  1. For Save Output Pane contents to, specify where Output Pane contents should be saved. Click the Browse button to select a location in your repository. You can also enter static text, click to use tokens, or use a combination of the two.

    Tip: This setting only applies if Quick Fields has been configured to automatically save Output Pane contents. More information.

  2. Under Scripting Options, configure the following options
    • Allow scripts to be run in this session: Specify if scripts can be run in the current session.
    • Prompt to disable scripting when this session is opened: Specify if you want to prompt the user to disable scripting when the current session is opened.
    • Scripting Language: Specify a default programming language for Quick Fields' Script Editor. The Script Editor will open in this language by default.