Current Session: Permissions

The ClosedPermissions node under Current Session in the Options dialog box lets you specify session permission settings, such as requiring a password to administer or open a session, and what actions scanner operators should have.

Tip: You can define these settings when creating a session if you are using the full or standard wizard (select the Permissions option on the Additional Session Settings screen). To access these settings for an existing session, select Tools, Options, Current Session, Permissions.

To configure session permissions

  1. Specify the following password settings:

    • Require a password to administer this session: A password will be required to edit the session (e.g., to modify a process or image enhancement, to choose a different scan source, to change the default document name). If a password is assigned, users will be prompted to specify how they want to log in to the session: as an Administrator or as an Operator.

      Tip: Unless all users with access to the Quick Fields machine need to be able to edit session settings, you should assign a password. This prevents scanner operators from changing a session's settings and possibly causing it to incorrectly process documents.

    • Require a password to open this session: A password will be required to open and run the session. If a password is assigned, users will be prompted to specify how they want to log in to the session: as an Administrator or as an Operator.

      Tip: This option is especially important if a session's document classes have been configured not to require login credentials each time repository access is required. Since credentials are not required, anyone with access to the Quick Fields machine can create documents in the repository using a session that does not require a password to open it.

      Warning: A password cannot be reset. If a password is lost, you must recreate the session.

  2. To specify what actions scanner operators should be able to perform, configure the following options. These settings will only apply if your session has an administrator password, an operator password, or both.

    • Change scan settings: Ability to change a session's scan source or modify the scan source's setup, options, or settings.
    • Change scheduling options: Ability to modify when a document is sent to the repository: manually, immediately, or at a scheduled time.
    • Delete pages: Ability to delete pages from scanned documents.
    • Delete documents: Ability to delete scanned documents.
    • Delete folders: Scanned documents are organized into folders based on their destination location. This permission enables users to delete folders.
    • Organize documents: Ability to create a new document starting from the first page selected and create a new document from the selected pages. This setting does not apply to an operator's ability to move the selected document(s) to a new folder or the ability to drag and drop pages.
    • Manage metadata: Ability to change the template and/or fields assigned to a document. Does not affect the operator's ability to populate existing fields, add tags, or change a document's default volume.
    • Assign documents: Ability to assign or re-assign scanned documents to an existing document class in the session.
    • Run processes: Ability to run processes on scanned documents.
    • Note: Some of the above permissions do not apply if the session has been configured to immediately send documents to the repository. For example, the ability to delete documents is irrelevant if documents are not stored in Quick Fields after scanning.

      Note: These permission do not apply in Quick Fields Scanning.