Starts scanning. |
Stops scanning. |
Rescans the page's image. |
Continues scanning from the last page scanned. |
Stores all documents in the Laserfiche repository. |
Configure fields for the current document class. |
Cuts the selection and puts it on the clipboard. |
Copies the selection and puts it on the clipboard. |
Inserts the clipboard contents. |
Deletes the selected item. |
Renames the selected item. |
Undo. |
Redo. |
Configuration Undo. |
Configuration Redo. |
Creates a new blank session. |
Opens an existing session. |
Saves the active session. |
Imports a session from a previously exported file. |
Exports a self-contained session file. |
Shows the Session Configuration Pane. |
Shows the Document Revision Pane. |
Shows the Tasks Pane. |
Shows the Thumbnails Pane. |
Shows the Processing Information Pane. |
Shows the Output Pane. |
Searches processed documents. |
Starts a slideshow. |
Ends the slideshow. |
Displays the slideshow options page. |