
Tags are a metadata type in Laserfiche that provide a way to categorize documents and folders. You can use tags to indicate information such as the entry's status, contents or handling instructions, or to specify that certain documents should be restricted to certain users. Tag information is stored with the document and is available when viewing the document in the document viewer and folder browser, as well as in search.

Tags are used to categorize entries on an entry-by-entry basis. You can also use tags to help with document retrieval, since you can search for documents categorized with a particular tag. There are two types of tags: informational and security:

Note: Although tags can be applied to folders as well as documents, tags are not inheritable. Applying a tag to a folder will not apply it to the documents within that folder.

If your Laserfiche Server is licensed for Advanced Audit Trail, tags can also be used to apply watermarks to documents: if a watermark is associated with a tag, that watermark will be included on the document when it is printed or exported.

Note: When assigning tags to documents or folders, you will only be able to select tags that have already been created. Tags can be created and administered from the Laserfiche Administration Console. For more information, see Security Tags in the Laserfiche Administration Guide.

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