SDK Script

This activity runs a custom VB.NET or C# SDK script. Use this activity if you want your script to interact with Laserfiche. An SDK Script extends the existing Workflow script API, automatically adds RepositoryAccess references, provides a connection to the Laserfiche repository, and provides access to entry properties in the Workflow script project. You only need to add one SDK script activity to your workflow to make the RepositoryAccess references available to all Script and SDK Script activities in the workflow.

ClosedHow does this activity look in the Designer Pane?

To add this activity to a workflow definition

To configure this activity

Select the activity in the Designer Pane to configure the following property boxes.

Note: If you have more than one connection profile for your workflow definition, the Connection Profile property box lets you specify which connection profile this activity will use.

Note: Each workflow definition that has a script activity maintains two projects, one for VB and one for C#, that contain common code and a list of external reference assemblies that the activities can use. Each activity adds one or more code files to one of the scripting projects, and when the workflow definition is published, the two projects are compiled into separate assemblies.

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