Assigning Columns

The columns displayed in Details view of the folder browser's Contents Pane can vary according to whether you are browsing through a folder or viewing search results (see Configuring the Contents Pane).

You can choose the columns to be displayed on a per folder basis (see Column Profiles). If there is no column configuration for a specific folder, that folder will inherit column settings from its parent folder.

Note: The columns assigned to the Details view can be configured when the Contents Pane is not in Details view, because the Details view also determines how much information is included when exporting or printing a folder's content or search results.

To assign columns to the Details view

Note: You can also assign columns by right-clicking on a column header and selecting an item. Check marks indicate the item will be displayed; selecting an item toggles its visibility.

Available Columns

The following table lists all of the standard columns available in the Laserfiche Windows client and the Laserfiche web client, along with descriptions of the type of information that each column provides when displayed in the folder browser.

Column Description


The number of pages in a document.


If the text in the document has been indexed. A text search can only be performed on indexed text.

Note: There may be a delay of a few minutes between the column displaying that a document has been indexed and the document being searchable. In addition, a document with no text may be listed as indexed, but text searches will not return the document as there is no text to search.

Creation Date

The date and time a document or folder was created.

Last Modified

The date and time a document or folder was last modified.


The name of the volume associated with a document.

Template Name

The name of the template associated with a document or folder.

Entry ID

The unique identification number assigned to the document or folder.

Type The type of entry. If a document is an electronic document, it will display a description for the electronic file associated with the document. For imaged documents, this field will read "Document." For folders, this field will read "Folder."

OCRed Pages

The OCR status for a document. If all pages in the document have been processed by OCR, this column will report "All." If at least one page but fewer than all pages have undergone OCR, this column will report "Some." If none of the pages in the document have been processed by OCR, this field will read "None."

Extension The extension of the electronic file associated with the electronic document.

Mime Type

The MIME type for an electronic file. MIME type is an Internet standard for identifying a particular type of file.

Electronic File Size

The size of the electronic file associated with the electronic document.

Total Document Size The total size of the document. For folders, this value will always be 0 bytes.
Last Modified By The name of the user who last modified the document or folder. This user could be a Laserfiche, Windows Authentication, or LDAP user.

Created By

The user who created the document or folder.


The access rights that the current user has on a document or folder.

Checked Out By

The user the document is checked out by.

Locked By The user who currently has the document locked for editing.

Owned By

The user who is the current owner of the document.


If an imaged document, electronic document, or folder has been associated with an informational tag or security tag.

Document Relationship

Displays whether the document is linked to another document with a document relationship.

Link Group Number

The document's numeric position in the link group, and whether it is the latest document in that link group.
Signature Count The number of signatures applied to the document.
Version Controlled Whether or not the document is under version control.
Review and Update Cycle Period* The review cycle period of a record designated as vital under records management.
Cutoff Instruction Type* The type of cutoff instruction associated with a record under records management.

Current Location*

The current archival location of a record under records management.

Filing Date*

The filing date of an entry under records management.

Last Reviewed Date*

The last date a vital record under records management was reviewed.

Next Review Date*

The next date a vital record under records management is scheduled to be reviewed.

Vital Record* If a record under records management is designated as vital.
Cutoff* If the record folder or record under records management has been cutoff.


If the entry under records management has been placed under hold.

Final Disposition Action*

Final disposition action set on an entry under records management.

Retention Schedule* The name of the retention schedule assigned to the entry under records management.
Cutoff Instruction* The name of the cutoff instruction assigned to the entry under records management.

Note: The options indicated by an asterisk (*) are only available for Laserfiche Records Management installations.

Specific fields can also be displayed as columns in the folder browser. To do this, right-click in the column header. Then, at the bottom of the Column Display list, your templates will be listed along with their associated fields. Beneath those templates, fields not associated with a particular template will be listed. To display a field as a column in the folder browser, select it.