
This annotation type is a small image that is overlaid on your imaged document; Closedshow me. Unlike text boxes or sticky notes,stamps cannot be changed after they have been applied. However, you can still modify their properties or opacity, rotate them, and delete them. You can also modify or remove existing stamps, or you can create your own stamps; see Creating and Managing Stamps for more information. Laserfiche provides sample stamp images (found in the folder where the Laserfiche Windows client is installed) that say Faxed, Received, Approved, and Confidential. Sample stamps are not available in the Laserfiche web client.

To apply a stamp to a document

You can place an existing public or personal stamp on any image as many times as necessary. Quick stamps can be placed until a new quick stamp is created that replaces them.

Note: The contents of a stamp cannot be modified once it has been applied. Only its properties, rotation, position, and opacity can be changed.

To create a new stamp

There are two types of stamps you can create: image stamps and text stamps.

To create an image stamp, you will need to import an image file. You can use any BMP, PNG, GIF, JPG, or TIF image file, but note that the image will be converted to monochrome as a stamp, and so simple images with clean lines and few or no different colors work best.

Note: The maximum size for a monochrome bitmap stamp is 64 KB.

You can make a stamp out of any text string. You can also create a dynamic text stamp using tokens. For instance, if you create a stamp with the Date token, whenever it is applied, the Date token will be printed on the document with that day's date. When creating a text stamp, you can specify the font, size, and formatting of the stamp.

To modify a stamp

You can view and modify the properties of an existing stamp including changing its color or opacity, or you can rename, move, or rotate. The color and contents of a stamp cannot be modified once it has been applied; you can, however, change its properties, rotation, position, and opacity.

To rename a stamp

The name assigned to public or personal stamps can be changed at any time, allowing you to assign more meaningful or recognizable names. (Quick stamps cannot be renamed, as they are inherently temporary.)

To delete a stamp

You can delete a stamp at any time. Once a stamp has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. Once a stamp has been deleted, users will no longer be able to select it when applying stamps to a page. However, each page on which the deleted stamp was applied will still retain a copy of that stamp.

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